普賢十大願王。中英對照 (中翻英。英翻中) TEN GREAT VOWS Wiki 普賢十大願王: UNIVERSALWORTHY BODHISATTVA’S TEN GREAT VOWS 一者 禮敬諸佛 TheFirst Vow: To Worship and Respect All Buddhas. 二者 稱讚如來 TheSecond Vow: To Praise the Thus Come Ones. 三者 廣修供養 TheThird Vow: To Extensively Cultivate Making Offerings. 四者 懺悔業障 TheFourth Vow: To Repent of Karmic Obstacles and Reform. 五者 隨喜功德 TheFifth Vow: To Follow Along With and Rejoice in Merit and Virtue. 六者 請轉法輪 TheSixth Vow: To Request the Turning of the Dharma Wheel. 七者 請佛住世 TheSeventh Vow: To Request That the Buddhas Remain in the World. 八者 常隨佛學 TheEighth Vow: To Always Study With the Buddhas. 九者 恆順眾生 TheNinth Vow: To Constantly Accord with Living Beings. 十者 普皆回向 TheTenth Vow: To Universally Transfer All Merit and Virtue. http://www.buddha-hi.net/re/thread-2508-1-1.html |
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